US Army Corps of Engineers National Defense University Fort McNair Marshall Hall South Plaza in Washington, DC
General Synopsis
Meltech completed this important project for the US Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District for the National Defense University George Marshall Hall at Fort Lesley J. McNair in Washington, DC. The project included the demolition, construction and landscaping (with environmental aspects) in the South Plaza immediately adjacent to Marshall Hall.
In length of service as an Army post, Fort McNair ranks third and is the home of the National Defense University (NDU). Marshall hall is part of NDU and operations continued uninterrupted at the building throughout the project.
Meltech’s contract consisted of a two-part base bid. The first part of the base bid was for the demolition of concrete paving, utilities, plants, and all other demolition-related site work as shown on plans and specified. The second part of the base bid consisted of construction of an extended sidewalk and re-planting in the area west of 5th Avenue, and other related construction on the Marshall Hall South Plaza together with surrounding landscaping and storm-water management construction.
Since 90% of the buildings on Fort McNair’s 100 acres are historic buildings (built, reconstructed or remodeled prior to 1908) Meltech’s work was, as with that at Arlington National Cemetery above, subject to extremely vigilant oversight by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. For example, backfill materials had to be placed adjacent to all types of structures, and compacted to at least 90 percent laboratory maximum density for cohesive materials or 95 percent laboratory maximum density for cohesionless materials, in order to prevent wedging action or eccentric loading upon or against the structure. Compaction had to be finished by sheepsfoot rollers, pneumatic-tired rollers, steel-wheeled rollers, vibratory compactors, or other approved equipment. Similarly the placement and treatment of bedding, graded stone, various sands and gravels and other fill materials, was strictly controlled and overseen.
Further Details
Divisional work associated with the base bid included:
Meltech received an outstanding performance evaluation for the base bid work and as a result two further optional items were exercised. The first option item was for supply and installation of “Bioswale plantings”, procuring and replacing an electrical manhole ring, refinishing some existing structural elements, and addition of a ground neutral line in the panel box feeding the lights and outlets on the site. Bioswales are landscape elements designed to remove silt and pollution from surface runoff water. They consist of a swaled drainage course with gently sloped sides (less than six percent) and filled with vegetation, compost and/or riprap. The water’s flow path, either a meandering or almost straight, with wide and shallow ditches, maximizes the time water spends in the swale, thus trapping pollutants and silt. Biological factors also contribute to the breakdown of certain pollutants. This work involved a modification to provide and install an extension of the existing irrigation sprinkler system to two new areas adjacent to the South Plaza and Bioswale.
The second option item involved the supply and installation of exterior furniture at the site. The major scope elements of the options work were: